Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shopian--- One off incident or ....

With every passing day the kashmir is boiling  more vigourously.More pathetically. When guns come out , to speak against the oppression and for the people they are silenced by the label of terrorist. When the people come out they are silenced by the guns. This is Democracy.My democracy.
I am an Indian and not a Kashmiri and I have never visited the beautiful valleys of Kashmir but I can say it for myself and for a early 20th century urdu poet Iqbal, that if in earth there is paradise then it is here,it is here, it is here.People , my people, the Indian people , you need to look into the matter just as you do in any other day to day thing concerning you and your family.
If somebody is not happy in your family you let him free. Allow him his own house own family.You dont force him to stay in the family.Similiarly, the Kashmiri people too need to be looked upon in the same fashion. 
They are people with aspirations.They want to see their people in there land.why impose ourselves. Lets disassociate ourselves from them evem if it hurts us. Its wat they are wishing.
Give them what they want.
Its not a new demand that they have come up with in this decade or so. Its there since the very first day. Grow up ppeople. e cant waste our money to keep a state with us which is not interested in staying with us. 
By doing this we are not only doing injustice to the people of kashmir but also to the people of the poorer state of the Indian mainland like Orissa and Bihar and other North Eastern States.
We need to think big and Beyond.
jai hind.

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